13 May 2014

Strong Females - TV Show Edition

In an earlier post I talked about the lack of women-centered shows, movies, and stories in general. But just because there aren't many doesn't mean there are none. Thanks to men and women around the world, showing not only their appreciation for but their interest in female-driven stories, you can watch some of these TV shows featuring  strong, multi-dimensional, badass women.

  • Buffy the Vampire Slayer 

Buffy is sassy and serious - killing evil things that lurk in the dark (and sometimes the day) by being awesome. Being the Chosen One isn't easy but Buffy is determined to live her life as normally as possible. She's the best icon to watch when you're having trouble juggling housework, homework, and an undead boyfriend. Plus, Buffy isn't the only kickass woman in the series - with Willow, Anya, Faith, and numerous others you'll never be hurting to find a women to relate or aspire to.

  • Orphan Black

Relatively new but definitely worth the watch, Orphan Black not only displays the many kinds of women there are (scientist, soccer mom, thief) but also displays Tatiana Maslany's amazing ability to morph into many different characters. Mostly about clones and what it means to be human, the show is fast-paced and leaves you wanting more after each episode. There are tons of women in this series, some good - some not so good, just like real life.

  • Scott & Bailey 

This show may be old to you Brits out there but I've just started watching it and I'm in love. It's a crime drama but the two DC's are both women. And their DCI is a women as well. I like it because even though Law & Order SVU has what's-her-name this series focuses on two females in what is usually considered a man's world. Just because women may do things differently than men when it comes to solving crimes it doesn't mean that their way is worse or that they're not as completely dedicated to the cause. Both Scott and Bailey with their different temperaments prove that if you're willing to work it out, you can catch the bad guy even if it's not as easy as I'm making it sound.

  • Gilmore Girls 

The show is over (has been for years) but I'm still holding out hope that they make a movie. This show is the best. I've written about it before but it has the perfect mix of wit, sarcasm, humor, and heart. Following the lives of mother and daughter duo, Lorelai and Lorelai Gilmore you become immersed in their lives and the lives of the townsfolk where they live. The cool and empowering thing about GG is that it is filled with tons of funny and sexy and successful women. They may be pretty but they're not just that and the real-world lessons they teach with their pop culture references make them my idols. 

  • The Bletchley Circle

With Series Two currently on right now (check your local PBS listings) I anticipate every new episode. Bletchley Circle shatters and brings to light so many stereotypes when it comes to women, their work, and their abilities. Four women who worked as code-breakers in World War II are now, a few years later, trying to figure out what to do with their lives. Sworn to official secrecy they are not allowed to tell their husbands/boyfriends/family what is it they actually did during the war. Instead they tell them they worked in the secretarial office, which not only insanely demeans the work they did but they have to pretend that the lives they are living now aren't as boring as they actually are. To not only combat their boredom but to actually prove useful the women get together to try to solve a murder. The show does a good job of showing the mentality of society in the '50s. It shows how much things have changed and sometimes, how much they are still the same. 

  • Wordgirl 

Aimed at elementary school kids, Wordgirl may not seem like an adult TV show but I think if you give it a chance you'll love it just as much as I do. It's funny, intelligent, and educational. But what I love about it is the fact that Wordgirl is a woman of color and great at words. She can beat any criminal that comes her way without putting them down or making them feel bad about it. She teaches lessons to kids (and adults) in a way that makes you wish she were real. 

  • Call the Midwife

Call the Midwife is about a group of midwives and their work which involves helping mothers-to-be deliver babies and take general care of the poorer people in London. They may be nurses who deal with the most womanly thing on the planet, child delivery, but they are not to be walked on. They are dedicated, caring, and strict. Their main priority is to ensure that their patients always have the best available care. The show should make people question where the idea that nurses don't go through as much as doctors or that the profession is somehow "lesser". The job may be different but it's most definitely needed and it is in no way easy.

  • The Legend of Korra

Before you watch The Legend of Korra you have to watch Avatar: The Last Airbender, but they are both definitely worth it. The shows are what I'd guess you call American Anime aimed at middle and high school kids but they're great for any age. Avatar is about Aang, the last avatar on the planet who must learn to use his powers and defeat the Fire Nation, bringing peace to all. Korra is the sequel wherein she is the new avatar and she must learn to use her powers while people start to question why everyone can't have equal power. As I said, both shows are great but it's refreshing to see a girl in a position like this.

These should keep you busy for a while but if you have any suggestions post them in the comments! I'm always looking for something new to watch. 

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