28 September 2014

Sunday Social # 21

1. What is your favorite magazine to read?
I don't like magazines. I got some free ones when I changed my mailing address and it seems like 80% of them are ads for things I cannot afford/am not interested in. The other 20% are perfume samples that I rip out immediately before they can make my head hurt.

2. What is the best thing you've seen online lately?
I was one of the ones following the Daquan Imgur Saga, I must admit.

3. What is your favorite celebrity to follow on Instagram or Twitter?
Neil Patrick Harris on Instagram. Twitter - Ricky Gervais, Barney Stinson, Emma Waston. John Green (author) is an avid Tumblr-er and worth your follow.

4. Is there one article of clothing no matter what the season you can’t help but love?
I wear capris all the time. Mostly because I'm short but mainly because they're awesome.

5. Do you prefer email or snail mail?
I love email for its quickness and efficiency but there is nothing more awesome than getting packages in the mail!

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