14 September 2014

Sunday Social # 19

Another week come and gone. Soooo let's start this week off with another Sunday Social. 

1. Favorite scent
I love the smell of vanilla. Cinnamon and apples are great. We live by this big bakery and when the wind blows just right it smells like apple pie! I also love the smell of rain on dry earth which is called....petrichor! 
girl in rain cubagallery
Via CubaGallery 

2. Favorite food
Cereal. Always. I'm on a cereal diet because I eat it way too much and my favorite kinds are the super delicious sugary ones. But I will always love cereal. 
Via Women's Health

3. Favorite sound
I don't know what my favorite sound would be. I think I'm actually getting tinnitus from all the white noise I work in. But I like music...and uh...rain hitting the roof. 

4. Favorite picture currently on your phone
Of my furbaby of course! 
Taken with my Samsung Galaxy S5! 

5. Best memory of the year so far
Oh man. There are way too many to name. But going to San Diego was pretty rad. 


  1. I can't believe that picture was taken on your phone! Wow :)

  2. Thanks! I think it's crazy just how far camera phones have come these days.

  3. Great post! I love Sunday Socials and can't wait to participate this week.. I've been on like a 4 month hiatus from the blogging world :p Cereal is yummy for sure.. and the more sugary (cinnamon toast crunch) the better! and I love the sound and smell of rain too! Now if only we got some anytime soon.. it's a drought out here :(

  4. Sunday Socials are a definitely easy and fun way to start off the week. I'll be on the lookout for yours tomorrow. I love cinnamon toast crunch too - it's totally dessert for breakfast. It's actually raining right now and I'm hoping that it brings a cooling effect instead of another round of humidity! Hope you get rain soon, droughts are never fun.
