30 July 2014

Roadtrippin' - San Antonio to San Diego

One of the best things about being with someone are the times you both get to experience something together that neither one of you had done before. Last week, John and I got to experience San Diego together for the first time and it was awesome.

One of John's friends, P, was moving to California so he needed friends to help make the drive out there with him. The three of us would take turns driving whenever one was getting too tired or sleepy so that we could drive nonstop and arrive within the next day.

We left on Friday at around 5:00pm (CST) and drove straight through, stopping only for gas and restroom breaks. John and I ended up driving the overnight shifts where we would take turns switching every three to four hours or so. I'm sure you've heard that Everything is Bigger in Texas but Texas itself is HUGE! It took us about 8 hours to reach El Paso! Which is just the tip of Texas.

Via Google Maps 

By the time we entered New Mexico it was dark and cool. We stopped at a rest stop to stretch our legs for a bit and were shocked to find it so windy out there! And because we were in the middle of nowhere you were able to see thousands of stars and the faint outline of the Milky Way.

Because it was dark out we weren't able to see much of the scenery but that was OK with us because New Mexico and Arizona looks a lot like this (at least the parts we drove through).

Which is to say - dry, desolate, boring. 

But then morning came and we reached the tip of Arizona where we were happy and coffee-ed up enough to take pictures with dinosaurs.


And a giant reptile of some kind.

Photo credit to P

We eventually reached California and stopped on the side of the road like the tourists we are to take a picture.

Welcome to California
Photo credit to P 

All in all, we made it in a bit under 18 hours! We arrived in San Diego on Saturday at about 10am (PST). Even without going over the speed limit. Cruise control and Red Bull were life savers.

Total miles traveled: 1,275
Number of Red Bulls drunk: 2
Number of cups of coffee drunk: 2
Restroom breaks: 8?
Number of tumbleweeds seen: 0
Number of Border Patrol stops: 2
Things I can cross off my 2014 bucket list: 1
Happiness of finally arriving at our destination: infinite

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