18 July 2013

Blog Overhaul

So as you can see I did a pretty big blog overhaul. As I've mentioned before, when I first started this blog I was pretty clueless as to what the actual point was - besides the ranting bit. Now I've decided to take my blog more seriously. I'd be lying if I said I don't care about getting free things and making extra money from it on the side but the more I thought about what I wanted out it - the more I realized that figuring it out was stimulating and fun.


This blog gives me an area to improve my creativity in many different ways: writing, photography, DIY, food, & time management. This blog (at least I hope) will allow me to use and stimulate all the creativity I've lost from life, work, & adult things like worrying about bills and if I'll have enough money for food. Even though I like my job it isn't very creative and because of that I've been looking for an outlet. I'm hoping that by focusing on this more seriously, more routinely, and with new-found excitement I'll once again learn to take pleasure in life and all the things I do in it.

When I first graduated high school my major was going to be English because that was what I loved and understood. Eventually that changed to film/video which (to me at least) are pretty similar. But even then I was taking many weird elective classes like: oceanography, astronomy, belly dance, Bollywood dance because I loved to learn. Then all my college plans got messed up and I vowed to never set foot inside a classroom again - leaving me angry at the whole learning thing.


But I miss it. I miss learning new things and pushing myself to do something perfectly. Finally I realized that this blog is the perfect outlet for the things I know/can learn/will learn. This blog gives me the chance to quit bitching and start doing. (But don't worry I will still bitch because as weird as it sounds those are actually my most viewed posts. I love all you like-minded cynics!) I know that I won't be the best at a lot of the things I do and that no matter how hard I try I will never understand Dreamweaver but with all the free tutorials, applications, and information on the internet there is no reason for my life to be lacking in anything.


So that's what I've decided this blog will be. It will be my creative outlet. It will force me to push myself to be better at things. Make my writing more concise and finally learn the difference between a colon and a semicolon. I'm hoping that my photography will get better using what I have to help me tell my stories. And lastly I'm hoping that the new direction will help me meet new people. People who like me, hate certain stupid things for no reason at all but who want to live happy lives anyway. I may bitch and moan and watch way too many hours of Netflix without stopping but that doesn't mean that I can't live happily and productively. So now that I've said it, I just have to do it.


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