27 November 2014

Thank Full

Well, this Thanksgiving is turning out a lot like the last one. Which is actually something to be thankful about.

I'm looking at waking up early(ish) to go eat at Mum's with John and the entire family. After way too many rolls, not enough turkey, and tons of apple pie I will be rolled to work. Yeah, it kind of sucks that I have to work on Thanksgiving but at least I'm not working retail. Plus, I'm thankful for the paycheck (woo holiday pay!) I'm getting to do it.

This will be the second Thanksgiving John and I spend together. Which is awesome, and great, and awesome. I'm definitely thankful he's stuck around.

Even though I'll be working Thanksgiving, my co-worker and I finagled it out so that I'll be off Saturday (for my birthday) and Sunday (for the hangover), and since my regular day off would have been Monday, I get a nice three-day weekend. Woo!

I don't have plans for my birthday, as of yet, but I'm sure that something will pop up. Get a drink or two at a bar and just bundle up in the cold weather. I'm thankful for another year of life. My 26th to be exact. (This post is scheduled so assuming I don't die between now and my actual birthday I should be good).

It's been a year since John and I have moved into our (rental) house and it's been great. We've redone the living and dining rooms (twice). We got two dogs (!!!) and had a party. Yes, the house may be colder inside than outside. And in the summer no fan is strong enough to move the sticky air, but I'm glad I got a roof over my head and enough room for our babies to run around.

There are many things to be thankful for this year and I'm not taking it for granted.

What are you thankful for this year?

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