01 June 2015

Introducing Firsts Friday

Indecisively Restless

Do you remember your first kiss? Your first best friend? Your first boyfriend? Your first grade teacher? Well, if you join up with my Firsts Friday link up we'll write about all these Firsts and more.

I've been meaning to write some of my firsts for a while but then I figured, I would love to hear some of yours as well. Firsts are so much fun because they can tell so much about a person and sometimes they are just so hilarious. Yes, we will be doing first date stories and I can only imagine the answers.

If you want to join in just link up! Every First Friday of the month I'll be here with another prompt and my personal anecdote.

So, grab a button, link up this Friday, June 5 and tell me your First Memory.

Grab button for Firsts Friday
<div class="Firsts Friday" style="width: 150px; margin: 0 auto;"> <a href="http://www.indecisivelyrestless.com" rel="nofollow"> <img src="http://i1057.photobucket.com/albums/t387/msvaleriedarling/Blog%20Stuff/1_zpsum9lzohu.png" alt="Indecsively Restless" width="250" height="250" /> </a> </div>


  1. this sounds like fun! thanks for sharing!!

  2. This sounds like a lot of fun! Love the idea!

  3. This sounds like it's going to be a fun link-up!!

  4. I hope so! Can't wait to hear about everyone's memories.

  5. Thanks! I'm sure everyone will get a good laugh out of a few of them.
