I've been saying for months that I need to delve into my personal life more. Well, I figured that this Past, Present, Future series would be a great way to start to get more comfortable with the idea of everyone knowing my life. So here we go.
First let's get the bad outta the way: My paternal grandmother had a stroke and was hospitalized this past week. She's stable and doing better now. When John and I went to see her we were able to understand most of what she said and she was aware of all the people visiting her. Besides family she's had tons of visitors. One of my aunt says that she gets self-conscious about her hair when there are "guests" in the room. She hasn't dyed it in a bit, ha. She's very strong and mostly she wants out of the hospital. For now, we're all just monitoring her and waiting to see what comes next.
Now onto some lighter fare.
My mum celebrated a birthday this past week. I treated her to Olive Garden. We usually go there for my birthday but we hadn't been in quite a while. I cannot get enough of their deliciously buttery breadsticks. And their salad dressing. Mmm. She hasn't told me what she wants her gift to be so I haven't bought her anything. I know it may sound weird but we're really not a "surprise" gift family.
I joined the First to Read Penguin program. I was able to enter the drawing to read two different books before the drawing actually took place. I was surprised when I was selected to read one! It's called The Wrath and the Dawn. It won't come out until May but I'm pretty sure it has changed my life and my YA standards. Be on the lookout for the book and for my review - both of which come out May 8th. I cannot recommend it enough!
I also received my next Blogging for Books book. This time I chose a cookbook and I got it in the mail yesterday. I cannot wait to try some recipes from it because they look a-maze-ing. Beautiful photos, delicious recipes - what more could you ask for?
In trying to revamp my closet, I signed up for the Unique Vintage Dress of the Month club. I should be receiving the first one on Tuesday. I CANNOT WAIT. I'm going to be impatiently waiting by my door until FedEx comes. And if they get there after I leave for work I'm going to have John bring it to me so I can see it, try it on, and touch it. Kidding. Sort of.
Yesterday, John and I went to the Poteet Strawberry Festival. Poteet is a little town about 45 minutes south of San Antonio. The festival first started in 1948 so it's really well known here. I had been many years ago but John had never been. You'll get an entire post about it but the gist is that they serve strawberries a whole bunch of different ways. Chocolate covered strawberries, strawberry shortcake, strawberry wine, strawberry ice cream, strawberry jams, etc. They also have bands, crafts, games, and other festival stuff.
It's officially been a year since we've gotten Boyboy. He's such a diva. It feels as if he's always been part of the family. I love that John taught him how to cuddle. He's totally cool plopping himself onto the couch and bugging you until you rub him.
Reading: The Truth About Forever - Sarah Dessen (for the millionth time)
Watching: Parenthood & Bob's Burgers
Listening to: I just newly discovered Valerie June
Needing: A Nap
Wanting: Coffee & Ice Cream
Something I'm Looking Forward to: We have a New Orleans vacation planned! Woo! I need a vacation sobad and I cannot wait to relax and eat delicious food.
Five Good Things That Happened This Week:
- Got Paiiiiid.
- A nice lady at my job gave me the rest of her salad. Hah. She forgot to take it home & wanted me to eat it before it got soggy. It was a kind gesture and the salad was delicious!
- It rained some so my orchid (which is still alive!) & the Japanese Boxwoods received some good rain water.
- John took Boyboy to the vet and everything is good and healthy.
- I took over the @thebloglife101 on Instagram on Saturday. It was a lot of fun!