17 April 2015
What I've Learned Working Two Full Time Jobs
When one of my ex-coworkers/friends told me that my old job was looking for a temp to fill while someone was on maternity leave I was a bit hesitant to go back. "But," this person said, "You could really use the money. Pay off your loans! Save for a new car. Do whatever. It's only for three months."
I reluctantly agreed. I knew I needed another job and my friend was right. I could really use the money to get ahead. So I decided to accept the job. Woo! When I went to sign all the paperwork and meet with my old boss (now boss again) I was told the position was going to be full time.
*Cue record scratching*
I seriously thought about running out of there right then. Imagine my car peeling out in a cartoony fashion. But then I thought well, I already know all the procedures. Not much has changed since I've been away. And it's not manual labor, I should be okay, right?
I ended up accepting the job since it was only going to be for 90 days. Let me tell you, it's been a bit of a tough one. I tend to get really grumpy towards the end of the week. John's gotten a bit fed-up with me at one time or another but I was too tired to care quite frankly. Still, I feel I've been learning some valuable life lessons with all this extra jobbing.
Sleep is Overrated
You really don't need that much sleep to function at an appropriate level. Yeah, you may look like shit more often than not but you'll still be able to do your job(s), eat, shower, and maybe read a page or two from a book.
When You're So Tired, Even Sleeping for 20 Minutes Will Do Wonders
I take a nap on my first lunch break and for the hour between the two jobs. It is amazing how refreshed and ready to go I feel after taking those naps.
You Can Teach Yourself to Fall Asleep Almost Instantly
When you're really tired and there's only so many minutes or hours until you wake up again getting to sleep quickly can be really important. I've always been an easy sleeper. I can sleep just about anywhere but I do tend to be a light-to-medium sleeper. Now, when I know I only have a few minutes or hours I can go to sleep in less than 2 minutes and I can tune out annoying distractions, waking up only to my alarm.
Coffee is More of a Mind Thing than an Actual Caffeine Thing
I find that coffee doesn't do much to help me stay awake. Never really has. But there is nothing like that first hot cup of coffee as I'm getting into work to perk me up and get me ready for the day ahead.
You Can Get Used to Anything
The first two weeks were hell. Like, seriously. But now that I've gotten used to it and what to expect it's gotten a lot easier. Especially with my routine. Wake up, go to Job 1, sleep on lunch break, sleep after Job 1, go to Job 2, go home, sleep, wake up, rinse, repeat.
When You Have No Free Time You Tend to Save More Money
The first two weeks I worked I didn't even go to the grocery store. John and I were in awe when we realized how much money we still had in the bank from not spending it needlessly.
It Sucks So Much Until You Get that Double Paycheck
I'm always dreading going back into work(s) the next day but payday is like winning the lottery. It's easy to forget how much working so much sucks. Especially since I'm throwing that whole extra paycheck to my loans. Sure I don't really get a bunch of fun money but knowing that I'll have one less monthly bill to pay is the best feeling.
I'm sure I've learned a slew of other things but my brain is a bit too fried to think that hard. For now, I think I'm going to go to Zzzzzzzz.
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