30 September 2013

Eye Feast #4 - How I Met Your Mother

How I Met Your Mother
2005 - 2013
Created by: Carter Bays, Craig Thomas

In all the history of TV I don't think I've ever loved a couple as much as I love Lily and Marshall.

They are the perfect couple. They laugh, joke, drink, and genuinely love hanging out with each other.

I love Neil Patrick Harris. I love him more when he plays Barney, a straight man-slut...

Who ends up falling in love with his best friend.

I love Robin. I love how tough and Canadian she is.

And of course, Ted Mosby. Sometimes he really, really gets on my nerves. But I still have to love him because without him, the rest of the gang wouldn't be together and the show wouldn't exist.

I never thought about this. But yeah, it's true. 

How I Met Your Mother is more than a show about how this one guy finds his love. It's one of the greatest, funniest stories of friendship and how friends become your family. I wish that I was part of this gang because no matter how old they get, or what life changes they go through you know that they'll be together forever.

27 September 2013

The Name is Valerie Darling

I can neither, confirm nor deny, the validity of this quote.

My name is Valerie Darling and I'm in my 20s. I live in San Antonio, Texas with my boyfriend, John and our two dogs, Boyboy (top) and Belle (bottom).

I work at a local TV station and can actually say that I get paid to watch TV, which is one of my all-time favorite hobbies. I also love reading, cooking, eating, and traveling.

I have a few unhealthy obsessions some of which are:

  • coffee (two creams, no sugar)
  • eyeball rolling
  • making words up
  • cute animals (sheep, alpacas, owls, porcupines, goats, beluga whales, camels)
  • Gilmore Girls (Team Jess!)
  • Harry Potter
  • banjo music
  • cereal

I hope you can find something on the blog that interests you: there are tons of things to choose from. Just take a look at the labels sidebar or page menu at the top. If you want to be friends on any social media - just add me!

Eye Feast #5 - Dexter

2006 - 2013
Based on the novel Darkly Dreaming Dexter by Jeff Lindsay.

*I have yet to see the last two seasons; please no spoilers.*

There are so few TV shows that capture my attention as fast as Dexter did. The entire first season is something that I still reel about because it was intense, dark, different, and made me feel emotions I had hardly ever felt in a TV show.

You are at once both scared of, and impressed by, Dexter Morgan. His ability to murder the most unsavory of characters in the Miami metro area while simultaneously helping to catch those of the same breed leaves you wondering just whose side you're on.

The duality of the human psyche is one that I don't think is expressed as adequately as it could be in many TV shows. Then, Dexter comes around and you just can't tell if he is a good guy or a bad guy.

I absolutely love his sister Deb. I think it's about time there's a woman character who is smart, brave, sexy, independent, and swears like a sailor. She gets into some really weird relationships that I can't help but question but nevertheless she gets her shit done and loves almost every minute of it.

Masuka. Oh Masuka. There is hardly a more lovable creepy perv on TV. I think his jokes, though offensive, are hilarious.

In this show there is very little black and white especially when it comes to the main villains in the series.

The Ice Truck Killer

The Trinity Killer. John Lithgow in what is probably my favorite role for him. 

I also like the way Dexter incorporates Cuban life into its show, from the music to the actors. I know that Miami is known for that, but it would have been so easy for them to just bypass it all. There are so many TV shows and movies that have nothing but white people and with Dexter, all the little cultural extras just make it that much more realistic.

Dexter as a whole really got me thinking about what good crime/drama TV shows could be - if they just put a little more effort into it. I cannot wait to finish the series.

26 September 2013

R U Virgin?

Yesterday I got messaged from someone I didn't know. I had added them because we had two mutual friends in common.

He told me "Hi" and that I was beautiful. I told him "Thank you." I asked him then if I knew him as I didn't really know what else to talk about.

He said that we didn't know each other and he was from India.

After a few minutes of silence he asked if I was a virgin.


I told him to not talk to me again.

Before I could figure out the complicated way to block someone on Facebook (I mean Jesus! It's the easiest thing in the world to FRIEND someone but the BLOCK CREEPY PERV button is hidden in menus.) he whined and tried to show me a video of NYC.

I told him to stop talking to me. As if looking at vedeoo of NYC would change my mind about him.

I guess I hurt his ego or something so he then preceded to tell me to fuck off.

Wowee mister -- Your love is fleeting.

I have some questions.

First, who the hell asks someone that?! Especially after only minutes of interacting with them?

Men do some crazy things to show they are into women. (Granted so do women.) Some, like buying a drink or having a conversation, are examples of good getting-to-know-you tactics.

Things like wolf-whistling, trying to sexy dance on you, or asking your sexual history...are not.

They are gross, base, and completely degrading.

What men in their right mind thinks, "Wow. That girl sure is attractive. I wish she would look over at me ogling her. Maybe if I whistle at her, like a dog, her animal instincts will take over and we can sniff each other's butts."


Why would any respectable woman go up to you, be interested in you, after you've acted like a complete dick? Is it really that hard to try? Why do you think that creeping them is sexy? That is not sexy. Whistling at them like animals is not sexy. Getting behind them at clubs and rubbing your man junk on them without permission is not sexy.

You are humans. You are men. Act like you have an fbang brain.

What crazy thing goes through your mind to ask a woman you barely know her sexual history? Then, when she (rightly) disses you, you insult her by throwing a tantrum and saying "whatever you're not a virgin anyway".

Hey, guess what. Not being a virgin isn't an insult. I don't think that people who have sex before marriage are horrible, slutty creatures. If you want to do it, do it. If you want to wait, wait.

But don't you dare try to insult me simply because I'm not your ideal. That is your problem. Not mine. Don't you dare try to come at me and say that the way I've lived my life is wrong and I should be ashamed. I have nothing on that front to be ashamed of.

You, kind sir, on the other hand are a complete embarrassment to yourself. You can sure as hell be ashamed of your behavior.

Grow the fuck up. Learn to treat a lady with respect and maybe, just maybe, you'll get more than a blocked Facebook.

25 September 2013

Eye Feast #6 - Breaking Bad

Breaking Bad2008 - 2013
Created by: Vince Gilligan

*I've only seen up to Season 4. Please, don't leave spoilers. Also, there are spoilers in here up to Season 4.*

I'm sure that almost every one of you has at least seen an episode of Breaking Bad and therefore you don't really need me to spell out for you what the awesomeness of it is. But I'm going to do a bit of it anyway.

Bryan Cranston is an incredible actor. And I can't help but thank the casting powers-that-be that allowed him the chance to show his ability. Because he turned from nice, cranky, goofy Dad

To this crazy, awesome, killing machine.

Something I would have thought just a bad casting decision has turned into the best casting decision ever.

Then you have his sidekick; Jesse "Bitch" Pinkman. At first I felt embarrassed for him. Even though he had been cooking meth longer than Walter he seemed so out of his element even that first day. Later, I felt sorry for him. I felt guilty for him. I felt love for him. I felt just about every emotion for him that I have. He is my favorite character because he really has changed so much throughout the whole series and I feel that even though he was made out to be the "bad" influence, he really would have been better off without ever having met Walter.

Plus, he's made the word bitch into a catchphrase.

Gus. Gus was such a badass. He was completely and totally in control. He was the biggest meth distributer and yet he had everything working so well. No one would have thought he was capable of doing what he did, on such a large scale.

So, I kind of hate Skyler. She's annoying, she's in the way, she's a concerned, nagging wife and mother. And even though I hate her, I can see just how important and realistic she is in the entire story. I love the fact that she is in there simply because you do not love everyone in real life. Even though I hate how she treats Walter I have to remember that when you look at it from a outsider, normal, everyday perspective Skyler is the one who is in the right. She has every reason to nag her meth cooking husband and father of her children. She wants to make sure that everything will be OK. Even though she doesn't know exactly how to handle it all, she is trying and I think that is the most realistic of the show.

Hank gets on my nerves too. But I thank him for his great line, one that I say as often as I can even when no one knows what the hell I'm talking about.

This is actually a sticker. You can purchase them here

John and I play a game where we try to see just what Marie has that ISN'T purple.

The whole coloring of the show and what the characters wear is important. While Googling "Marie Breaking Bad Purple" I stumped across this chart that shows the colors worn by the main characters. I would have read the accompanying article but I'm a couple seasons behind. If you're caught up though, give it a read; I'm sure it's very interesting.

The Clothing On Breaking Bad is a Clue to Understanding the Characters. 

Breaking Bad is a great piece of TV that doesn't come around often. Even less so when it's not on HBO or Showtime. But AMC is proving time and again they understand what we want to watch. That we want to think and become engaged with multi-dimensional characters. They understands that with the decline of TV viewership it has to put on some spectacularly good shows to want us to be in our seats every week when it airs. And with Breaking Bad, many people want to be sitting at home when it airs.

23 September 2013

Joe Legal vs Jose Illegal

I saw this post called Joe Legal vs Jose Illegal, the other day on another blog site and I just wanted to talk about it.

This is the picture the blogger added to her uninformed, angry, post. 
She has since deleted her post. 

But that doesn't mean that I still can't talk about her misinformed rantings.

Firstly, I want to talk about how all her “facts” aren't actual facts. She even states it in her comments.

“Also, didn't say they were 100% facts, who am I to confirm that?”

Well, no, you're not an important journalist and I get that you're just ranting out of your ass. Believe me, I do that too. But to have something with numbers and figures and then not even bother to look at or explicitly say that you didn't actually look anything up. Please. Do your audience a favor. Tell them that you're just a little racist so they know to take your "facts" with a grain of salt.

Besides, it's the fucking internet age. How hard is it to Google something?

[Sidenote: a quick Google will tell you that about half to 3/4 of undocumented workers pay some sort of federal taxes. 11.2 billion came from undocumented workers alone in 2010.]

In reponse to that I'll leave this here.


Next, she talks about health care.

We do pay for their emergency health care but unlike whatsherbutt was saying they don't have expendable money to do it. Most, don't want to go to the doctor in the first place. Do you think that they want to go and tell people their information? To go to the place where they will be treated for some emergency and tell them that they are not actually a citizen? Yes, that's great. Not.

Most illegals don't go to the doctor for a cold. Most, because of their sucky work conditions, can't afford to miss work. If they go to the doctor it's for an emergency. But Americans do that as well. There are plenty of people who cannot afford insurance who go to the emergency room to get treated.

So this is a displaced frustration. Why not get angry at the fact that Joe WhiteMan can't afford to pay a reasonable insurance rate? Why not complain that not many companies are even offering insurance anymore? Why not bitch about the fact that medication costs are ridiculous, emergency room fees are hell, and that we don't have national health care?

The reason most people (illegal or otherwise) go to the emergency room is because they didn't have the money to have preventative care in the first place. And yes, here in America, we say that whether you're white or brown you can have access to life-saving medical procedures.

This is John Green, great author and funny man, who explains the complicated reasons Americans pay so much for health care.

Next up, her erroneous notion that illegal immigrants get free...everything.
According to the American Immigration Lawyers Association this is one of the top 5 myths about illegal immigrants. It is a MYTH that illegal immigrants come into our country and deplete hard-working US citizens out of billions of dollars, according to the Congressional Research Service.

I have a problem with this one because there isn't even any thought behind it. Many people think they don't "need no stinkin' insurance" including Joe WhiteMan.

The top reasons for not having car insurance:

  1. Vehicle is not in operating condition.
  2. Insurance is too expensive.
  3. Premiums are too high.
  4. Vehicle isn't being used. 
None of these sound particularly immigrant-y. And the top three states with the most uninsured drivers are: 

  1. Mississippi
  2. Alabama
  3. California

Hahaha. This is the biggest piece of shit I've ever heard.

You know, those illegal immigrants come in and take OUR jobs! Our managerial, big business, have to wear a suit to work jobs and they get nights and weekends off while us 'Merican's have to work long hours in the heat doing construction, cleaning port-a-pottys, doing landscaping and cleaning houses. On Saturdays and Sundays.

Oh...wait. That's not right.

I don't know what kind of jobs you think these illegals are taking away from you, but they are definitely not taking the ones that privileged Americans are lining up for. Their working days are usually long, outside in the elements, and sometimes they don't get paid overtime even though they did the work.

Why? Because who are they going to complain to? Who can they go to see and tell that they are being stiffed by a greedy boss? They can't. But they have a family to support so they have to work these crazy hours, sometimes in very unsafe conditions doing the jobs that we won't. Don't even act like the work they do allows them to be off on weekends or nights with their families and gives them sick-leave, paid vacation, or any rights that American's have.

In her comments she also complains that Illegals are taking away money from hard-working Americans who should be getting paid 25-30$ for the 15$ the illegal is getting.

Here is another example of displaced frustration. What I don't get is why this is Jose Illegal's fault. She is from California. I don't know what the current cost of living is but 15$ over there probably isn't a whole helluva lot. And why is it Jose Illegal's fault and not the boss who would rather pay less to an illegal rather than more to an American. Is she really under the impression that if Jose left, her boyfriend would be making up that money? Please. They'd just find another desperate American who will go to work the 15$ an hour. It's not about him being an illegal, it's about greed.

According to the Immigration Policy Center, the connection between immigrant labor and American unemployment is practically none.

God! I can't believe those crazy immigrants who can't even speak ENGLISH! How dare they! They must really hate us Americans if they don't bother to even learn our LANGUAGE. They've been here for decades! Decades -- cleaning our houses, trimming our lawns, picking our fruit and they still can't speak English!? God, you would think that on their nights and weekends and with all their extra money they carry around (probably in a canvas bag with a dollar sign on it right?) they could learn English!

This sickens me.

This is why people are embarrassing themselves all over the internet. Because they don't get it.

Getting to be a citizen is a lot harder than it was back in the day. But even so, many people do come into America the right and proper way, studying everything that is on the test and learning what must be learned; Getting work visas, tourist visas, etc.

She says that she despises every single one of the people who come over and abuse our system. But I think that she despises those who look like they come over and abuse our system. Many Americans (read white) live here, have lived here, will always live here and scam our system.

Wow these Illegals really have it made! I wish I could come into America, get free healthcare, free food stamps, free rent, and get paid to go to college! I mean, the way *Kelly* talks about it...why wouldn't they want to come over here?

Oh wait....

Hate Crimes Against Latinos Running Rampant Due to Alabama's Racist Immigration Law

The Ugly, Racist Response to Indian-American Miss America

Even though we are a supposedly tolerant, melting pot of cultures there are many people who don't understand that being American does not mean being only white. This lady sees brown kids who go to school and go to college and she sees illegals but a lot of those kids are born here, making them US citizens.

Yes, illegal immigration is a problem. Yes, things like bosses willing to pay less money to more desperate people is a problem. Yes, people coming to America to have their kids is a problem.

But there is a bigger problem when we think that we can attribute it all to one kind of people. That the problem is as easy as building a fence.

The problems we are facing here in America are long standing, hard, complicated problems that cannot be fixed simply by throwing out a whole mess of people. Though America tried in the 1930s.

I think more steps must be taken for tolerance. There seems to be so much hate lately from people who don't know what they're talking about.

11 Year Old National Anthem Singer Sparks Racist Comments

The Ignorant Backlash to Miss America

Public Shaming Tumblr

It's not an issue of legal or illegal. It's an issue of ignorance.